Revised Policies

The Columbiana Metropolitan Housing Authority is revising the following policies:

    1.  The Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP)

    2.  The Public Housing Lease

    3.  The Public Housing Grievance Procedure

    4.  The Pet Policy

You can view these new policies in the main lobby of CMHA 325 Moore Street, East Liverpool, Ohio 43920 or online by going to the tenant info & resources tab on our website  If you request an electronic copy of the policies by email to we will send you an electronic copy of all the policies, along with a summary of the changes to the ACOP and Lease.  You may submit written comments on any or all of these documents to CMHA attn: Melissa Beadle, Deputy Director at 325 Moore Street, East Liverpool, OH 43920 by September 21, 2020.  All written comments received by September 21, 2020 will be given our consideration.

A public hearing will be held before these policies are adopted by CMHA’s Board of Commissioners.  Because of Covid-19 the hearing may be a virtual meeting.  The public hearing and the Board meeting will be announced in compliance with State law.